Chaperon Newsletter No. 02/2023

Dear Chaperon subscribers,

we have new information for you from the Chaperon project!

New Research Paper: Long-term survival trends in solid cancers in the Nordic countries marking timing of improvements

Survival studies are an important indicator of the success of cancer control. We analyzed the 5-year relative survival in 23 solid cancers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden over a 50-year period (1970-2019) at the NORDCAN database accessed from the International Agency for Research on Cancer website. Continue reading here…

Prof. Strakoš has given a seminar on ERC grants at our faculty

The Chaperon team has organised a seminar on ERC project calls lead by Prof. Zdeněk Strakoš, which took place at our Faculty. More information about the seminar can be found here…

The Chaperon lab benefits from Dr. Kasi’s experience gained in Germany and Poland

In association with Chaperon, Dr. Phanindra Babu Kasi has made scientific visits to the University of Heidelberg and the University of Warsaw. More information here…

New Research Paper: Personal comorbidities and their subsequent risks for liver, gallbladder and bile duct cancers

Many environmental risk factors for hepatobiliary cancers are known but whether they are associated with specific cancer types is unclear. We present here a novel approach of assessing standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) of previously diagnosed comorbidities for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), gallbladder cancer (GBC), cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) and ampullary cancer. Read more here…

The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our “Scientific Blind Dates” Event for PhD students

The Chaperon ERA Research Club invites you to participate in our “Scientific Blind Dates” event for PhD students at the Charles University. On 22nd of March at 3 p.m., in the seminary room in Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen. If you want to practice your scientific presentation skills together with your colleagues, register here..

Picture of the month - February

We would like to introduce the winners and participants of Nerd Art Prize 2022 as the picture of the month In February it is a picture of the neighboring stable and dividing cells of glioblastoma multiforme and it was taken by ZEISS LSM700 confocal microscope by PharmDr. Barbora Vítovcová from the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Charles University. See more here...



ERA Chair Position for Excellent Research in Oncology

A project funded from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 856620.

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