Post-fertilization Sperm Mitophagy: The Tale of Mitochondrial Eve and Steve

The Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine
presents prof. Peter Šutovský, Ph.D., Dr. h. c.
visiting professor at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
and his lecture entitled
Post-fertilization Sperm Mitophagy: The Tale of Mitochondrial Eve and Steve.

Tuesday 17th October, 2:40 p.m., lecture hall, Prochaskuv pavilon (PRO)

Why we inherited all mitochondria from our mother? And how the mother oocyte eliminated mitochondria of our father? The process called „mitophagy“ is responsible for this phenomenon and we could uncover the secret of mitophagy with one of its explorers.

Included in regular lecture for medical students.


Univerzita Karlova
Lékařská fakulta v Plzni
Biomedicínské centrum

alej Svobody 1655/76
323 00 Plzeň – Severní Předměstí

T: +420 377 593 810
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