Journal Club: Basic principles and workflows of proteomics and model applications of proteomics in biomedical research

by Zdeněk Tůma
18. 11. 2015 at 3 pm in the Biomedical Center

Let me invite you to the next Journal Club, that is scheduled on the Wednesday, November 18th, at 3 pm in the seminar room. In this club, basic principles and workflows of proteomics and model applications of proteomics in biomedical research will be presented. Proteomics is a study of the complete set of proteins expressed by an organism, tissue, or cell. Laboratory methods that include separation of proteins and mass spectrometry allow high throughput identification and quantitation of proteins in biological systems. Using untargeted proteomic approaches, functions of organs, cells or subcellular organelles in physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions can be studied. Results of proteomics can be used for characterization of mechanisms of pathologies, identifications of therapy targets and for searching of biomarkers.

Zdeněk Tůma


  • Ahrens CH, Brunner E, Qeli E, Basler K, Aebersold R. Generating and navigating proteome maps using mass spectrometry. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2010;11(11):789-801
  • Neilson KA, Ali NA, Muralidharan S, Mirzaei M, Mariani M, Assadourian G, Lee A, van Sluyter SC, Haynes PA. Less label, more free: approaches in label-free quantitative mass spectrometry. Proteomics 2011;11(4):535-553
  • Kumar C, Mann M. Bioinformatics analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics data sets. Febs Letters 2009;583(11):1703-1712
  • Johnson DT, Harris RA, Blair PV, Balaban RS. Functional consequences of mitochondrial proteome heterogeneity. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology 2007;292(2):C698-707
  • Thongboonkerd V, Semangoen T, Sinchaikul S, Chen ST. Proteomic analysis of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystal-induced cytotoxicity in distal renal tubular cells. Journal of proteome research 2008;7(11):4689-4700
  • Li F, Chen DN, He CW, Zhou Y, Olkkonen VM, He N, Chen W, Wan P, Chen SS, Zhu YT, Lan KJ, Tan WL. Identification of urinary Gc-globulin as a novel biomarker for bladder cancer by two-dimensional fluorescent differential gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE). Journal of Proteomics 2012;77(225-236)
  • Zhang Z, Chan DW. The road from discovery to clinical diagnostics: lessons learned from the first FDA-cleared in vitro diagnostic multivariate index assay of proteomic biomarkers. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention 2010;19(12):2995-2999


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