Top scientists discussed the latest findings in colon and pancreatic cancer research at the international conference "Current Understanding of Colorectal and Pancreatic Cancers (CUCAP)" on 29 and 30 May 2023. The successful event was organized by the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen of the Charles University in cooperation with the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
An article was published in Advanced Science (IF 17.521, Q1, Decile 1) this week that arises from the collaboration of our lab with the research team from ETH Zürich led by prof. Inge Herrmann.
From May 12 to 14, 2023, a regular meeting of collaborating research teams from our medical faculty, as well as experts from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and from the National Institute of Public Health took place for the twelfth time.
The team of the Laboratory of Cancer Treatment and Tissue Regeneration together with the research team from ETH Zürich led by prof. Inge Hermann published the article Modular stimuli-responsive hydrogel sealants for early gastrointestinal leak detection and containment in the journal Nature Communications (IF 14.92, Q1).
Doktorandka MVDr. Martina Grajciarová z Ústavu histologie a embryologie a z Laboratoře kvantitativní histologie Biomedicínského centra získala 11. 9. 2022 na sjezdu České anatomické společnosti mimořádné ocenění v kategorii Ceny České anatomické společnosti za nejlepší původní vědeckou publikaci mladých vědeckých pracovníků do 35 let.
We would like to introduce two major works of co-authors of Pavel Vodička, Ludmila Vodičková and Veronika Vymetálková from the team of the Laboratory of Cancer Treatment and Tissue Regeneration. These two publications published in Q1 journal Gastroenterology (IF 19.809) are based on the research they were working on.
Dovolujeme si Vám představit dvě významné práce, jejichž spoluautory jsou naši kolegové Pavel Vodička, Ludmila Vodičková a Veronika Vymetálková z týmu Laboratoře nádorové léčby a regenerace tkáně. Z výzkumů, na nichž spolupracují, nyní vyšly dvě publikace otištěné v prestižním časopise Gastroenterology s IF 19.809.
Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, is seeking students for the following Ph.D. study topics in the doctoral study programme of Experimental Surgery:
Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, is seeking students for the following Ph.D. study topics in the doctoral study programme of Experimental Surgery: