From November 4 to November 8 2019, the Biomedical Center of our Faculty hosted esteemed international visitors. Following up upon a long-term collaboration including one international grant funded from the Erasmus+ program, we had the honor to welcome two professors from Rome. Prof. Alberto Paoluzzi from Italian Roma Tre University and Prof. Antonio DiCarlo from CECAM-IT-SIMUL Node are specialized in the field of computational modeling and object representation.

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Ve dnech 4.–8. 11. 2019 navštívila Biomedicínské centrum naší Lékařské fakulty vzácná návštěva. V rámci lety prověřené spolupráce korunované i jedním mezinárodním grantem financovaným z prostředků Erasmus+ jsme uvítali dva výjimečné profesory z Říma. Prof. Alberto Paoluzzi z Italské Roma Tre University a Prof. Antonio DiCarlo z centra CECAM-IT-SIMUL Node se dlouhodobě zabývají oblastí výpočetního modelování a reprezentace objektů.

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Biomedicínské centrum a Chirurgická klinika, Lékařské fakulty v Plzni, Univerzity Karlovy si Vás dovoluje pozvat na seminář Computer modeling for research of liver perfusion, který se uskuteční 5. listopadu 2019 od 15:00 v Biomedicínském centru. Během semináře vystoupí se svými příspěvky také zahraniční hosté Alberto Paoluzzi z Univerzity v Římě a Antonio DiCarlo z CECAM-IT-SIMUL Node, Itálie. Svými prezentacemi je doplní Miroslav Jiřík z Lékařské fakulty v Plzni a Eduard Rohan ze Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. Více informací naleznete v příloze.

Tento seminář vznikl za podpory projektu „Aplikace moderních technologií v medicíně a průmyslu“ (reg.č.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_048/0007280) financovaného z EFRR.



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Lectures from invited speakers from foreign countries are traditionally a part of the Summer School of Experimental Surgery, which was held for the 6th time this year by our faculty.

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In July 2019 the team headed by Dr. Pavel Vodicka (Laboratory of Tumor Treatment and Tissue Regeneration at Biomedical Center, Pilsen) succeeded to publish original manuscript: „Relationship of telomere length in colorectal cancer patients with cancer phenotype and patient prognosis” in British Journal of Cancer.

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Position available from: January 2020

Department: Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University

Laboratory: Laboratory of Cancer Treatment and Tissue regeneration

Supervisor: Vaclav Liska, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Surgery

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A great interdisciplinary meeting Interface Biology of Implants took place in Warnemünde (Germany) between 8 and 10 May 2019.

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  • Laboratory of Cancer Treatment and Tissue Regeneration
  • Project title: Engineering new tissues in vitro using decellularized scaffolds
  • Supervisor: RNDr. Vladimira Moulisova, PhD
  • Starting date: 01/10/2019 (with a possibility to delay the start till February 2020)
  • Project Description: Decellularized organs and tissues represent a very promising material for tissue engineering. After the original cells are gently removed, the remaining extracellular matrix preserved in its native tissue-specific architecture provides a perfect environment for repopulation with new, ideally recipient cells. The project will help to elucidate the detailed structural features of decellularized scaffold obtained from the pig liver. It will also study the cell – scaffold interactions during recellularization experiments with an option to participate on in vivo experiments. A broad range of laboratory techniques will be employed from histochemistry, immunofluorescence, and confocal microscopy across cell and tissue culture to gene expression, proteomics and software analysis. The work will involve an active collaboration with our international partner.
  • Candidate Profile: The candidate should hold a master degree (MSc, MEng, MD, Mgr, Ing, MUDr…) ideally in tissue engineering, molecular biology, cell biology, or related field. Due to international collaboration good knowledge of English language is welcome. We offer a friendly and supporting environment at a modern institution, a reasonable scholarship and active participation on grant projects.
  • Suggested reading: G. Mazza, W. Al-Akkad, K. Rombouts, M. Pinzani, Liver Tissue Engineering: From Implantable Tissue to Whole Organ Engineering, Hepatol. Commun. 2(2) (2018) 131-141.
  • Note: The project will be officially announced in July 2019
  • Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for more info
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V prostředí krásné šumavské přírody proběhlo ve dnech od pátku 22. do neděle 24. 3. 2019 jubilejní desáté setkání s názvem Přínos farmakogenomiky v diagnostice a léčbě generalizovaného kolorektálního karcinomu X., na němž se sešly spolupracující vědecké týmy věnující se otázkám nádorové léčby, především molekulární onkologii.

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Charles University
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Biomedical Center

alej Svobody 1655/76
323 00 Plzeň – Severní Předměstí

T: +420 377 593 810
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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