Publication “Pathobionts in the tumour microbiota predict survival following resection for colorectal cancer”

Scientists from Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Laboratory of Cancer Treatment and Tissue Regeneration co-authored just published experimental paper in Microbiome (D1 in ford Microbiology) describing results of the eight year lasting collaboration with team of prof. Julian Marchesi from Imperial College in London and colleagues from other top laboratories in Great Britain and Ireland.

The study provides so far the most comprehensive multi-omics analysis of mucosal and tumor samples from colorectal cancer patients. The prospective study supports a previously suggested role for the gut microbiota in clinical outcomes in patients undergoing primary resection for colorectal carcinoma, independent of variables such as AJCC stage, tumor location, and adjuvant therapy. Tumor–microbiota co-metabolites, which warrant further investigation as potential mediators of disease outcome were also discovered. Future studies should focus on establishing mechanisms through which communities of colorectal carcinoma- and mucosa-associated commensals, and their metabolic output, might influence determinants of patient prognosis, including immune surveillance.

Link to the article:


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