On July 7-10, 2024, The 25th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations, or MDO 2024, one of the most important events in the field of drug metabolism, brought together world-renowned experts from the fields of biochemistry, biophysics, molecular and structural biology, toxicology, physical chemistry, pharmacology and pharmacogenetics.

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Scientists from the Pharmacogenomics laboratory published an experimental article in iScience (Q1 in Multidisciplinary Sciences), in which they describe the efficacy of third-generation taxane derivatives on in vitro and in vivo pancreatic carcinoma cell models.

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Scientists from Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Laboratory of Cancer Treatment and Tissue Regeneration co-authored just published experimental paper in Microbiome (D1 in ford Microbiology) describing results of the eight year lasting collaboration with team of prof. Julian Marchesi from Imperial College in London and colleagues from other top laboratories in Great Britain and Ireland.

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At the beginning of the new year, a bioinformatics article is published in the journal Frontiers in Genetics (Q1 in the Genetics & Heredity category) for the employees of the BC Pharmacogenomics Laboratory and the LFP Institute of Biology. The work, conceived as a pilot study, more closely characterizes the location of the longest intron within the sequence of human protein-coding genes. The previously known general information that the longest intron in eukaryotic organisms is usually the first intron, or one of the introns at the beginning of the gene, is clarified. According to our work, there are approximately 60% of such genes in the human genome. The article also focuses on genes in which the longest intron is located only in the second or third third of the gene. Using gene set enrichment analysis, it was possible to prove that for some genes there is a significant relationship between the location of the longest intron and their biological function. Of the genes important for the study of carcinogenesis, such genes include, for example, genes for DNA repair. The work also suggests a possible influence of the position of the longest intron on the tissue-specific level of gene expression. The laboratory will continue to focus on this newly formulated topic and look for its more specific connection to other topics of clinical research taking place in the laboratory with a focus on precision oncology.

The article is freely available to other researchers at: Frontiers | The position of the longest intron is related to biological functions in some human genes (frontiersin.org)

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Mgr. Petr Holý, doktorand pracující v Laboratoři farmakogenomiky Biomedicínského centra Lékařské fakulty v Plzni, Univerzity Karlovy, získal první cenu za poster v postgraduální kategorii na Studentské vědecké konferenci 3. lékařské fakulty UK konané v Praze 24. května 2022.

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The Chaperon project and STRATAGEM COST Action invite you to a lecture on 22nd February 2022, at 1:30 – 2:45 p.m. (Blue Lecture Hall, UniMeC, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, alej Svobody 76, Plzeň).

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Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, is seeking students for the following Ph.D. study topics in the doctoral study programme of Experimental Surgery:

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Students interested in molecular biology, cancer genetics and bioinformatics with background in biology or informatics are welcomed to apply for this position.

Further information by Pavel Dvorak, Ph.D., Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Department of Biology, Alej Svobody 76, 323 00 Pilsen, Czech Republic, Tel.: +420 377 593 263, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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V prostředí krásné šumavské přírody proběhlo ve dnech od pátku 22. do neděle 24. 3. 2019 jubilejní desáté setkání s názvem Přínos farmakogenomiky v diagnostice a léčbě generalizovaného kolorektálního karcinomu X., na němž se sešly spolupracující vědecké týmy věnující se otázkám nádorové léčby, především molekulární onkologii.

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Charles University
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Biomedical Center

alej Svobody 1655/76
323 00 Plzeň – Severní Předměstí

T: +420 377 593 810
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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